Together, we can work to make EPISD a better place for all. I place a high value on education and will work hard to construct and pass policy that is inclusive of the community and accountable to the public.


The old adage goes, “you get what you pay for.” I think in our case, that’s false. We have been fortunate to get much more than we have paid for. We have teachers, librarians, custodians, administrative professionals, counselors, bus drivers – all employees that make an impact on the students of EPISD - going the extra mile to provide exceptional education for subpar compensation. That needs to be fixed. This administration and board are failing our employees and have made it their last priority to take care of all employees. This is why I am making it my FIRST priority. No one is looking for a way to make it happen, but I will analyze each line of the district’s budget to see what finances could be shifted or cut to invest in much needed raises for employees at the district.


In any government organization, it is vital to be accountable and transparent with the public. I voted for the bond because I knew schools in the district would be brought into the 21st century by bringing in new technology to classrooms, school reconstructions, renovations, and safety improvements. I want to make sure the board is held accountable to the resolution adopted in 2016 and that the projects are completed on time and on budget. It is imperative to keep the promise the board made to increase compensation and benefits for district employees from the savings derived from school closures and consolidations.


The community has not been at the table and their input is vital. There have been critical votes and the public has not been a part of the process, like school closures. These decisions must be taken after the public has a chance to attend community meetings. I would like to have monthly community meetings to inform my constituents of important district business. I would have the communications department of the school district help with getting this word out to all those interested in attending. I would like for there to be ten community meetings that are promoted by the district before the board can come back and vote on any school closure or consolidation.


This is equally important: be willing to have the hard conversation with the community. Using finite resources to appease infinite demand is what politics is all about and it leads to tough choices. Honest conversations about difficult decisions cultivates a genuine rapport.